Zeelandia has decades’ worth of experience in producing high-quality fruit fillings and jams, with a strong R&D team and manufacturing expertise in different production facilities throughout Europe. And our local and corporate purchasing departments closely monitor the availability, seasonal quality and (often volatile) pricing of all kinds of fruit, allowing us to purchase high-quality fruit at competitive prices.  

But there’s another reason why Zeelandia stands out as a partner of industrial bakeries looking to seize the opportunities afforded by fruit fillings and jams. We are not only experts in fruit: we understand the (industrial) bakery process as a whole, and can oversee the intricate way all the various ingredients interact and behave at each step in the baking process. And that allows us to support our industrial customers throughout their journey, from first idea through to a successful product launch. 

Our expertise in fruit.

More fruity inspiration.

The difference between a fruit filling and a jam.

Whereas fruit jams (for industrial baking purposes) are smooth, fillings can have wide range of textures, from a creamy puree to fillings with high fruit integrity.

Tailor-made fruit fillings and jams in 5 steps.

To ensure a high, consistent quality, a filling or jam needs to be a perfect fit at every stage of production: from its processability on an existing production line to its stability and interaction with other ingredients, dough or decoration.

Indulgence: trends

Il gusto ed il piacere sono tra i motivi principali per cui i consumatori scelgono regolarmente di acquistare prodotti da forno. Quando si lanciano nuovi prodotti da forno è essenziale dare priorità al gusto e all'attrattiva sensoriale nel posizionamento in tutte le categorie.