Generally speaking, a fruit filling has higher fruit content (50-90%) than fruit jams (ca. 35%), and lower sugar content. And whereas fruit jams (for industrial baking purposes) are smooth, fillings can have wide range of textures, from a creamy puree to fillings with high fruit integrity.

Fruit fillings have a wide range of uses. Zeelandia produces high-integrity fillings, very close to fresh fruit and ideal for decorative toppings. We also offer medium-integrity fillings, which do not contain whole pieces of fruit but still have the structure and juicy texture of fruit: ideal for filling croissants, pies, or puff pastry. And then there are smooth fruit cream fillings, based on fresh fruit puree but with a long shelf life and perfect for mixing with other ingredients.

Fruit jams can be injected into baked products such as doughnuts, Berliners or croissants). But Zeelandia’s bake-stable jams can also be processed ahead of baking, for example as a filling in tarts, cakes, pies or croissants. We have special jams with low water activity, ideal for packaged products which require a long shelf life, such as breakfast bars. And there are thermo-reversible jams, which can easily melt and reset without losing their jam-like consistency and glossy appearance.

More fruity inspiration.

Your expert partner in fruit.

Zeelandia has decades’ worth of experience in producing high-quality fruit fillings and jams, with a strong R&D team and manufacturing expertise in three different production facilities throughout Europe. 

Tailor-made fruit fillings and jams in 5 steps.

To ensure a high, consistent quality, a filling or jam needs to be a perfect fit at every stage of production: from its processability on an existing production line to its stability and interaction with other ingredients, dough or decoration.

Trends in indulgence

Flavour and enjoyment are just two of the primary reasons why consumers regularly elect to purchase bakery goods. It is important to put flavour and sensory appeal at the forefront of positioning across all product categories when launching bakery products.

Our pastry solutions.

Other Pastry mixes

Pastry mixes are at the heart of any industrial bakery seeking to create delicious pastries that meet market expectations.

Fruit fillings and jams

Our products are tailored to match current market trends regarding health and indulgence and follow a mix-and-match concept so that fillings can be combined to create unique tasting experiences. 

Custard fillings

Custards are traditionally consumed as a tasty filling in various viennoiserie and patisserie applications. The Zeelandia portfolio consists of a wide range of Easy-to-prepare powdered mixes, to match industrial baker’s needs.

Ready-to-use cream fillings

Our water-based fillings are perfect for enhancing your product range as they are low or without added fat, making them a healthier alternative to traditional fillings.