Is using fermentation processes in an industrial bakery a choice between inconsistent production results or investments in technological hardware? Not with the Zeelandia way. We have over 25 years of experience in fermentation technology. Our solutions, developed to save time and ensure consistent results, have been tailored to fit modern-day industrial workflows.

Fermentation describes a natural process, in which microorganisms such as bacteria are used to break down the carbohydrates in food. It is a time-consuming process, but with characteristic flavours and textures as a result. Market research provides industrial bakeries with compelling reasons to explore the opportunities presented by fermentation. 

"While sourdough is mostly associated with bread, it can also be used to enhance flavour, texture and shelf life, in other bakery products, such as muffins, viennoiserie or biscuits."

Martin Justan, Product leader Bread

Fermentation improves texture, flavour and results in: 

  • Longer freshness and softness
  • Higher resiliency
  • Improved short bite
  • Lower crumbliness
  • Longer shelf-life

Biggest challenges faced during large-scale fermentation

Fermentation adds complexity to the bakery workflow. By its very nature, fermentation is a time-consuming process. The microorganisms need time to do their work, and time is valuable. Another challenge is achieving the same, consistent quality day in day out.

Staying true to the traditional way

The starting point for Zeelandia’s solutions in sourdoughs is that we remove the most time-consuming step from the equation: the fermentation process itself. We produce in a traditional way, in a 3-stage fermentation process. Only carefully selected flours and starter cultures are used for our genuine long fermentation process

Fermentation infographic

Solutions that work

Zeelandia’s fermentation solutions are guaranteed to deliver consistent results, increase flexibility and save time. Together, we can fine-tune your unique 'signature' flavour profile. Customisation allows us to provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs, ensuring a seamless integration of our products into your production process. We are not only experts in fermentation; we understand the industrial bakery process as a whole. 

How bacteria can help you develop new products

Our customised fermentation solutions transform ingredients, delivering unique flavours, textures, and colours, driving product innovation while keeping bakery workflows simple and meeting consumer demands for exceptional products.

Produtos biológicos

Para que um produto possa ser designado como "biológico", a sua produção deve respeitar as regras legais (legislação e controlo). O cumprimento destas regras é controlado pelas autoridades nacionais competentes.

Informações sobre o melhor mercado do pão

À medida que os consumidores adoptam uma abordagem cada vez mais proactiva em relação ao bem-estar e privilegiam a prevenção em detrimento da cura, verifica-se um interesse crescente em produtos que melhoram a sua saúde e que têm um impacto positivo na mesma. As marcas de pastelaria que promovem a utilização de ingredientes sem culpa, mas que são indulgentes, reduzem a sensibilidade dos consumidores ao preço.



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